Stealing my portfolio photos is like getting stick-and-poke tattoo from your cousin - it’s obvious and embarrassing.

Over 1000 clients helped as of 2024!

As a certified paramedical tattoo artist and instructor, you can trust me with one of the most important tattoos you’ll ever get.


Camouflage Stretch Mark Tattoo clients can expect to see a 30%-90% improvement on their first session. Factors include diet, age, after care, natural collagen production, and vitamin intake. If you want the best results possible, avoid smoking and sugar for 30-60 days after your treatment. The procedure creates a controlled injury to the skin, so essentially, this is your body’s opportunity to flood the area with natural collagen. The more serious you are about your diet and after care, the better your results will be. Each client can expect to require anywhere from 1-5 treatments to achieve optimal results. Every body is different.

Foods that help collagen production:

(I cant emphasize this enough, eat lots of PROTEIN)

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